Anycast CDN traffic metering
This metering method is beneficial for users with more or less even traffic distribution throughout the month. If you experience traffic spikes, another metering approach might be preferable for you.
The channel load is logged every 5 minutes, adding up to 8640 values per month (30 days). The top 432 values (5%) are discarded, and out of the remaining 8208 values, the maximum value is taken into account.
By this bandwidth value, your monthly traffic is charged when calculating the bandwidth utilization by the 95th percentile.
If the top 5% of your monthly bandwidth logs are 30 Mbps, the maximum bandwidth of the remaining 95% is 10 Mbps, and all the logs below are 5 Mbps or less, you are charged 10 Mbps/month..
The per-gigabyte billing system is based on the factual amount of your content distributed by the CDN in relation to the effective rates. This constitutes the amount you will be charged per month with per-gigabyte billing.
If a file of 1GB is downloaded/watched once, you pay for 1 GB of traffic. If the same file gets 100 views, you are charged for 100GB of traffic.