Video CDN Resource Settings
Please note, for Video CDN functioning, it is necessary to set up Auto Import or proxying of your content to the CDN.
Video CDN from AdvancedHosting, unlike your typical caching CDNs, operates on a cloud basis, hosting your files’ copies on its storage servers distributed among several data centres.
This allows us to stream content from the server geographically nearest to the user, perform media processing (e.g. generate HLS/DASH chunks and manifests), and manage large amounts of traffic via HTTP-redirect or generate direct streaming server links.
Creating your first resource
Account verification
Tariff selection
Import via Coud Storage,
Rsync Daemon,
Auto Import Script
ID, Name, State
deactivation, deletion, statistics
Creation, configuration, deletion of domains. Certificates
General settings
Proxy / Auto Import / Fetch
Security settings
Proxy URL, URL Signature,
URL for downloads,
Import Conditioning
Requests, Responses, Queries, Parameters
Valid referrers
URL-sign and encryption
Cookie verification
Custom, generic,
wildcard SSL.
Let's Encrypt
To view details for each of your Video CDN resources and to check or change the configuration of the selected resource, go to the Video CDN resources section.
To view Resource details in the Video CDN resources section, click on the resource line in the list:
You will be redirected to the Resource Page of the selected Video CDN Resource, where the following tabs will be available to you:
You can check out general information for the selected Video CDN Resource on the Overview:
The following information is available in this section:
The right side displays statistics widgets for the following data:
You can manage Domains for the selected Video CDN Resource on the Domains tab:
Here, you can observe two types of domains:
You can add, delete and configure custom domains. When you click the Add user domain button, a dialogue for creating a new domain will appear:
Enter a third-order domain name or lower.
Next, select the SSL certificate to apply to the domain from the drop-down list:
When you select the Add new SSL certificate option, the window to add a new user certificate opens.
Only after entering all the necessary data and saving it does the certificate become available for selection.
After clicking the Add domain button, a domain with preset (default) settings will be created. The Cancel button cancels adding a custom domain.
To change the Settings of the custom domain, hover over the line with its name and click on the button highlighted below:
For more information about each customizable parameter, see: How to manage default settingsVideoCDN?
To Copy the domain name to the clipboard or Delete a previously added domain, hover over the line with its name and use the buttons shown below: