About Video CDN
We offer a VoD-oriented CDN with a flexible configuration aiming to maximize the hit rate. Our technology is not your typical CDN. Instead of cashing content from your servers, we host several copies within the CDN and distribute videos directly to viewers worldwide from geographically closest and load-wise optimal servers.
Functioning as a cloud, Video CDN from AdvancedHosting accelerates and optimizes your content delivery without quality loss, offloading and protecting your servers and source files, limiting the hotlinking, leeching, grabbing, and other unwanted activities.
Video CDN can be accessed from the Websa user panel or via the API.
Video CDN from AdvancedHosting is a system of globally distributed server clusters operating with your files and domains. You choose a convenient way of transferring files from your origins to the CDN and customize content distribution parameters. The CDN stores, cashes, distributes, and broadcasts your content on demand.
In case a requested file is not yet uploaded to the CDN, and you have allowed its proxying, CDN will proxy the initial request to the origin; the file will be queued for the download; once the file is uploaded to CDN, its distribution continues from the CDN itself. If resource proxying is not configured — video will become available right after the file is uploaded to CDN.
CDN supports MPEG-DASH and HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) protocols. When a video file is uploaded to a storage server, it creates a sequential playlist of small video segments on the fly to make your content seamlessly available in the highest possible quality across devices, via most browsers and firewalls, at almost any connection speed.
The user can request video over both HTTP* and HTTPS protocols. Besides basic protocols, our Video CDN supports ALPN, HTTP/2, and IPv6.
*When configuring force HTTPS, HTTP access will be excluded.
Video CDN service cluster is built on three main types of servers:
A redirector server is a server that receives the clients’ initial request. At the instant of the request, the redirector checks and analyzes the request for 50+ parameters (domain, video file itself, its location, user’s location and network, current server load, your settings, URL parameters, statistics of previous uploads, etc.) and chooses the optimal streaming server.
A streaming server is a local, high-performance storage optimized for content streaming. Videos are dynamically uploaded to the streaming servers from the storage servers and are already given to the client from them. CDN constantly monitors visitors’ access to your files, traffic, bitrate, and network load, and based on these statistics, it uploads the most popular videos to specific streaming servers and releases them from the files that have lost popularity.
A storage server is a high-capacity server, our the primary content storage. To ensure optimal content availability and file integrity, CDN triplicates each file to different storage servers in geographically diverse locations.
Origins are also involved in the operation of the CDN.
The origin is your server, physical or virtual, that hosts the directory with your source files. Origin is used to auto-import and proxy files that are missing from the CDN, and origin is used to customize how files are imported into the CDN.
Video CDN is available both for our hosted servers and clades, as well as for external servers and cloud storage.
Each file is uploaded to CDN individually and without binding to a domain. Such binding is possible on request. You can set the access parameters of your domains to specific directories with video files in the domain settings so that the global settings of your CDN are rewritten for a particular domain.
You can use your Shared SSL, Custom SSL, or Wildcard SSL certificate, or the CDN will automatically issue you a Let’s Encrypt certificate.
Creating your first resource
Account verification
Tariff selection
Domain management
Set up auto-import
Set up proxying
Rsync, Autoimport scripts
HTTP(S), S3, Swift
Proxy settings
Add and delete
Make changes
View current states
General settings
Security settings
Dashboard, widgets, filters
Traffic, speed
Cache and storage
URL signing and encryption
Link lifetime
Speed, buffer, track, clip, multifile...
Valid referrers
URL-sign and encryption
Cookie verification
Custom, generic,
wildcard SSL.
Let's Encrypt